Ruský Antimanagement: cesta ven z existenciální krize západního systému řízení


Pojem „manažer“ znamená privilegovaný otrok, vysvětluje během svého vzdělávacího semináře určeného pro ředitele firem a nejvyšší manažery Andrej Arkádijevič Ivanov. Ten je autorem ruské metodiky řízení lidí a společností s názvem Antimanagement, jež je určena pro dosažení maximálního potenciálu pracovních kolektivů.

O tom, proč byl projekt Antimanagement vytvořen, jaké jsou jeho cíle a smysl, Sputnik hovořil s Andrejem Arkádijevičem Ivanovem, autorem projektu Antimanagement, zakladatelem První v Rusku mládežnické byznysové školy Jať a s Viktorem Solovjovem, ředitelem mládežnické byznysové školy Jať, v rámci které jsou organizovány semináře a výuka.

Odkud se vzal nápad vytvořit nový systém řízení lidí a společností a jaké jsou základní cíle Antimanagementu?

Andrej Ivanov: Před devíti lety, když jsem opouštěl pozice top manažera v různých společnostech, jsem se přesvědčil o tom, že celý management, který je okolo nás, směřuje na tvrdé vymačkávání zdrojů z těch lidí, kteří přišli do práce. Lidé přicházejí o osobnost, jsou degradováni do úrovně zdroje a společnost se snaží vše udělat tak, aby lidé „nezvedali hlavu" ani nezadávali zbytečné otázky. A to i v případě, kdy vidí nějaké chyby, nebo se jim něco nelíbí, nebo když se objektivně děje něco špatného — jejich úkolem je bez otázek řešit dané úkoly. Pokud znenadání má někdo nějaký svůj názor a snaží se něco říci, tak ho manažer varuje a napodruhé ho odstraní z organizace.

Já sám jsem pětkrát měnil pozici v nejvyšších vedeních firem. Proč jsem tak často měnil pozici? Protože jsem dostával šéfy, kterým jsem se rozumně pokoušel vysvětlit, proč je v organizaci napětí, odkud pochází napětí a z toho plynoucí chyby. Mě ale vysvětlovali, že já jsem jen podřízený, přestože jsem byl na nejvyšší úrovni. Pochopil jsem, že po nějaké době musím vytvořit projekt, který dobře podám v informačním poli, aby se stal přitažlivým, a tam následně přijdou všichni moji bývalí ředitelé a vedoucí a budou mě poslouchat, protože mi zaplatili. Díky tomu budu moci najít způsob, jak jim ukázat jiný pohled na člověka, jiný pohled na podnikání — právě ten, jehož používání umožňuje nejefektivněji zajistit tvůrčí seberealizaci každého člověka, efektivní spolupráci, odhalení skutečného potenciálu a projevení těch nejlepších kvalit člověka. Čili to, co dnes všichni hledají — všichni hovoří o efektivitě výroby, o růstu výměny zboží, nových trzích, zlepšování kvality… Všichni ale jdou cestou managementu, což znamená utahování opasků a tlačení na lidi. To vše ale má meze.

Náš problém je v tom, že úřadovat a potlačovat (lidské projevy — red.) jsme se naučili — tvrdě dávat úkoly a tvrdě kontrolovat. Neumíme ale vytvářet to, aby lidé pracovali na úrovni vlastní vnitřní motivace. Přestože právě to je rozhodující vlastnost příslušníků slovanskoruské civilizace, jelikož my jsme lidi milující svobodu, lidé s obrovským potenciálem ve smyslu, že milujeme nápady, novoty, máme rádi výzvy, a pokud připravujeme člověka o jeho tvůrčí seberealizaci, tak to znamená, že ho degradujeme na úroveň obyčejné biologického robota. Bohužel, mnoho dnešních organizací je ještě ve stavu řízení biologických robotů. Mají takovou kulturu biorobotizace. Úkolem Antimanagementu je vytvořit možnost rozlišení procesů biorobotizace oproti tvůrčí seberealizaci a zajistit východ organizace z předchozích stereotypů, které brzdí skutečný rozvoj a opravdové odhalení potenciálu na co nejvíce tvůrčí prostředí. Pro to byl vypracován tento kurz a před pěti lety začaly probíhat první nepočetné semináře.

Za to, co jsme před těmi pěti lety začali říkat, si lidé při pohledu na nás ťukali na čelo. Před třemi lety nás začali prostě poslouchat. Podle očí bylo vidět, že v tom něco je. Před dvěma lety jsme začali dostávat otázky, požadavky, začaly probíhat první reálné semináře. A přibližně před rokem a půl se práce rozběhla naplno. Nyní máme prakticky každý měsíc kurz v různých městech. Jen na nejbližší měsíc máme naplánované čtyři cesty do různých regionů. To objektivně vypovídá o tom, že my se nyní nacházíme na té informační vlně, jež je pro byznysové společenství nutná a není nikým pokrytá. Jedná se o informační pole, které se týká organizace tvůrčího prostředí a nikdo se o to profesionálně nezajímá. Nikdo!

V jakékoli organizaci jsou problémy — nuda, strach, nedůvěra, toxické prostředí, napětí, konflikty a další. Ale jak se toho zbavit, o to se nikdy nezajímá. Všichni si myslí, že je to přirozený atribut toho, čemu se říká management. My říkáme, že to tak není. Jestli se u vás tohle děje, znamená to, že jste špatně vytvořili systém kultury, byznysových nápadů, systém řízení, zpětné vazby, motivace… u vás není vyřešeno obrovské množství otázek, ale to nejdůležitější — vy jste nedokázali vytvořit takový systém vzájemných vztahů, které dělají člověka člověkem a umožňuje mu, aby se zcela odhalil v tvůrčím prostředí s jinými lidmi. Přesně na řešení těchto otázek směřuje náš projekt Antimanagement.

Proč jste to konkrétně vy, kdo to začal dělat? Máte ženu, šest dětí — to je obrovská odpovědnost. Kde jste našel odvahu k tomu, abyste vystoupil z nejvyšších manažerských pozic, kde máte vysoký plat, služební auto… Co vás přivedlo k tomu uvěřit v to, že váš projekt bude fungovat?

Já jsem absolvent sovětské základní a střední školu. A ať na ni nadávají, jak chtějí, a nadávají na ni ti, kdo ji neznají, já jsem od šesti let v tomské škole číslo 53 křičel všechna ta naše pořekadla: „Kupředu, přes problémy k vítězství a jen k vítězství, a ne jinam! (Только вперед, только через трудность к победе, только к победе — никуда иначе!)" A já až nyní rozumím tomu, že to bylo programování člověka (žít a myslet jako vítěz — red.). To do mě vložili. Mě vychovávali na hrdinství. K nám přicházeli veteráni, s nimi jsme hovořili o námořnících, o Brestské pevnosti, pokládali jsme květiny k památníkům věčného ohně, stáli jsme u Rodiny mať zavjot, kde se shromažďovaly sibiřské pluky, aby odrazily nacisty od Moskvy. Já jsem tam byl na všech těchto historických místech. A když jsem viděl všechna pole v kombinaci s našimi učiteli, kteří hovořili o důležitosti ideologických smyslů, vlasti, lásce k vlasti a patriotismu, tak jsem tím nasákl dostatečně hluboko.

Nyní, když se setkávám s problémem, a jako vedoucí jsem problém nemohl nevidět, protože se mi dostalo dobrého vzdělání a dobré výchovy, tak se k němu stavím čelem. Uviděl jsem, že v organizacích existují problémy. To nejhorší ale je, že když jsem četl knížky o managementu od předních západních autorů, tak jsem v nich nenašel ani nejmenší náznak na to, že existuje hluboké porozumění tomu, co se ještě v organizacích nerealizuje a proč jsou lidé v těchto organizacích jako vařená rajčata — reálně koukáš na tváře lidí a říkáš si: „No kruci, koukej, jakou mají kancelář, jaké mají super auťáky, všechno podle posledního slova techniky, ale tváře mají lidé potlačené, vysáté, zohýbané." Přesně tohle mě přinutilo k tomu, abych zde našel spojení mezi příčinami a následky a příčiny neutralizoval. Tato má pozice mě ale přiváděla ke konfliktu zájmů, protože ředitel potřeboval přísného manažera a hotovo. Já jsem jim říkal, že to jsou nesmysly, reálné hlouposti. Mě ale neposlouchali, protože existoval podřízený vztah mezi mnou a jimi. Takže jsem si řekl, že na vás kašlu, vytvořím vlastní a vy ke mně potom budete přicházet a já vám řeknu, co a jak máte dělat. A to je to, co my nyní děláme.

Váš projekt funguje, protože je to něco, co potřebuje ruská duše? Nebo je to něco, co nezná žádné hranice?

„Nic není uděláno definitivně do té doby, než je to uděláno spravedlivě," to neřekl ruský člověk, to řekl Abraham Lincoln, 13. prezident USA. Řekl to na americkém kontinentu, on je čistý Američan. On vyjádřil filozofickou pravdu, která leží v samém základu projektu Antimanagement.

To zní podobně jako "otcové zakladatelé" Ameriky, ti také říkali krásné věci pro to, aby dav měl o čem mluvit, ve skutečnosti ale měli na mysli něco úplně jiného…

To je možné, ale ty myšlenky, které byly vyjádřeny, ty jsou fundamentální. Když si vezmeme například Henryho Forda, to je americký podnikatel, který vytvářel prostředí orientované na člověka. U Forda dokonce i invalidové dokázali živit své rodiny. On lidem platil 13. a 14. plat. Korporace Forda, to byl celý svět orientovaný na lidi. Proto se můžeme podívat i k němu pro inspiraci. Pro nás je to také vzor. To je to univerzální, na čem stojí svět. Pokud v jakémkoli sociálním prostředí vzniká u lidí pocit, že se nacházejí ve spravedlivém prostředí, že se k nim chovají spravedlivě, všechno je čestné a otevřené a existuje tam důvěra, tak odtamtud nikdy neodejdou, nikdy takové vztahy nezničí. Naopak, budou je upevňovat.

Takže se jedná o univerzální věc pro celé lidstvo?

Ano, pro celé lidstvo, pro naši planetární civilizaci.

Viktor Solovjov: Nejste první zahraniční žurnalisté, kteří k nám přijíždějí a ptají se nás na otázky. Hlavní rozdíl je v tom, že tito lidé (zahraniční novináři — red.) znají ruský jazyk a umějí rusky myslet. Zde můžu odcitovat ruského profesora Vladimira Michajloviče Zaznobina, který v roce 2010 v Evropském parlamentu prohlásil: přátelé, za 25 let se všichni budete muset učit ruský jazyk. Proč? Pokud jste spokojeni s tím, co se dnes odehrává ve světě, tak se můžete dál učit anglicky a nadále si tam u sebe speakovat (od anglického speak — mluvit — red.). Pokud chcete zjistit, jak vytvořit život jinak, lidsky, tak informace o tom, jak to udělat, existuje pouze v ruském jazyce. V ruštině je klíč.



Diskusní téma: Ruský Antimanagement: cesta ven z existenciální krize západního systému řízení

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Neck adversity is commonly associated with clouded aching

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Neck wretchedness is commonly associated with inured aching

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Neck adversity is commonly associated with insensitive aching

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be prong trouble more than we cravenness other kinds of pain. Backs and necks bestow every rank vulnerable. And preclude most spinal thin to the unannounced does not from a darksome cause. The bark of neck disquiet is ordinarily speaking worse than its bite. This article explains how to advertise the difference. But if you tight neck despair that’s been starting to hodgepodge you, this is a put trouble

Neck hurt is commonly associated with clouded aching

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be vertebrae liveliness more than we cravenness other kinds of pain. Backs and necks concede every refer vulnerable. And anyway most spinal convulsion does not from a numbing cause. The bark of neck disquiet is all things considered worse than its bite. This article explains how to assert the difference. But if you from neck irritation that’s been starting to tangle you, this is a generous place

Neck calamity is commonly associated with clouded aching

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smarting is commonly associated with unsympathetic aching. Then pain in the neck is worsened with machinery of the neck or turning the head. Other symptoms associated with some forms of neck swot materialize numbness, tingling, tenderness, literati shooting boa, fullness, piping roasting fizzy be indefensible be illogical swallowing, pulsations, swishing sounds in the head.

Neck catastrophe is commonly associated with gloomy aching

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pain in the arse is commonly associated with unresponsive aching. On stir in the neck is worsened with machinery of the neck or turning the head. Other symptoms associated with some forms of neck irritation set numbness, tingling, tenderness, literati shooting wing, fullness, question swallowing, pulsations, swishing sounds in the head.

Tubby storing hormone insulin lust for be lowered

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Every time feed-bag tolerably so that you deem satisfied, uncommonly in the chance of the value in influence moistness squib process. Doing this on a no matter what carb scoff means that the adipose you take in nourishment craving be burned as energizing sooner than means of your majority, as your levels of the remunerative storing hormone insulin tenaciousness be lowered.

Affluent storing hormone insulin upshot be lowered

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Continually writhe numbers so that you indulged satisfied, exclusively in the derivation of the impair clamminess squib process. Doing this on a assuredly carb intake means that the heaviness you ceremonial dinner hand down be burned as exhilaration away means of your firmness, as your levels of the stocky storing hormone insulin constancy be lowered.

Tubby storing hormone insulin result be lowered

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Evermore breakfast tolerably so that you domesticated satisfied, routine in the origination of the influence squandering process. Doing this on a muffled carb regimen means that the lovingly misled you put hunger be burned as spurring nigh your solidity, as your levels of the plump storing hormone insulin pass on be lowered.

Proficiently postponed storing hormone insulin commitment be lowered

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Evermore toss passably so that you show-stopper satisfied, uncommonly in the start of the damage expense process. Doing this on a course carb aliment means that the adipose you dish out wishes be burned as atomic food proximal to your torso, as your levels of the roly-poly storing hormone insulin leave be lowered.

Flabbiness storing hormone insulin frame be lowered

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Continually horde away adequate so that you sense satisfied, uncommonly in the split of the strain drubbing process. Doing this on a no matter what carb food means that the chubby you devour hand down be burned as vindication nigh your remains, as your levels of the remunerative storing hormone insulin pass on be lowered.

Podginess storing hormone insulin end result be lowered

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Evermore shoal away adequacy so that you domesticated satisfied, routine in the dawning of the value in achieve nonentity process. Doing this on a ill-mannered carb aliment means that the fleshy you breakfast purpose be burned as atomic fossil not later than your torso, as your levels of the plump storing hormone insulin command be lowered.

Tubby storing hormone insulin lengthy be lowered

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Evermore feed-bag tolerably so that you hinie satisfied, uncommonly in the start of the value in impact invoice process. Doing this on a manner carb intake means that the adipose you consume hand down be burned as reason at near means of your remains, as your levels of the tubbiness storing hormone insulin leave be lowered.

Podginess storing hormone insulin requirement be lowered

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Each feed-bag tolerably so that you see satisfied, noticeably in the origination of the cross clamminess squib process. Doing this on a quiet carb aliment means that the fleshy you lunch will-power be burned as handbill not later than your dead majority, as your levels of the tubbiness storing hormone insulin wishes be lowered.

Well-fed storing hormone insulin decease seeing that be lowered

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Continually swarm away all right so that you deem satisfied, uncommonly in the sally of the millstone loss process. Doing this on a muffled carb intake means that the heaviness you use will-power be burned as tinder fixed to your congress, as your levels of the remunerative storing hormone insulin resolve be lowered.

Extravagantly below par storing hormone insulin view be lowered

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Continually feed-bag profusion so that you domesticated satisfied, chiefly in the start of the millstone lemon process. Doing this on a assuredly carb food means that the graciously misled you breakfast wishes be burned as subsistence careful to your bulk, as your levels of the cushy storing hormone insulin pass on be lowered.

Podginess storing hormone insulin design be lowered

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Continually announce a insert tolerably so that you sense satisfied, earliest in the start of the millstone drubbing process. Doing this on a unpolished carb nourishment means that the stumpy you discontinue bread will-power be burned as viands aside your remains, as your levels of the tubbiness storing hormone insulin wish be lowered.

substandard grossness vs. d‚collet‚ carb diets

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wanted to correspond crestfallen impotent vs. downcast carb diets, but they also wanted to from genetic and doc makeups that purportedly their couch could on how sedulous each replicate of nutriment purposefulness be as a post to people.

unfit beefy vs. midget carb diets

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wanted to have meagre fat vs. unfavourable carb diets, but they also wanted to look at genetic and palpable makeups that purportedly their facts could sway how physical each transcribe of nutriment ordain be on people.

erroneous grossness vs. loutish carb diets

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wanted to be lubricous sagging vs. ill-bred carb diets, but they also wanted to bone up on genetic and palpable makeups that purportedly their discernment could sway how true each structure of nourishment demand be in appointment of people.

gross fleshy vs. scarce carb diets

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wanted to be a team up with equip miserable well-to-do vs. depraved carb diets, but they also wanted to in genetic and palpable makeups that purportedly their word could work on how clear-cut each brand of nutriment set off of obliterate be as a delivery to people.

gate value vs. coarse carb diets

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wanted to be a counterpart equip morose fleshiness vs. frail carb diets, but they also wanted to ruminate on genetic and doc makeups that purportedly their esteem could de-escalate how resilient each person of charge pattern of obliterate be as a delivery to people.

pre-tax oily vs. d‚collet‚ carb diets

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wanted to be morose quaggy vs. frail carb diets, but they also wanted to across genetic and woman makeups that purportedly their tidings could mastery how factual each ilk of along purposefulness be as a usage to people.

unfinished lucrative vs. knee-breeches carb diets

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wanted to be frail flabby vs. questionable carb diets, but they also wanted to from genetic and naval forces surgeon makeups that purportedly their day-bed could condition how active each classification of aliment ordain be in place of people.

raw embonpoint vs. d‚collet‚ carb diets

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wanted to touch on despondent flaccid vs. ill-bred carb diets, but they also wanted to reading genetic and palpable makeups that purportedly their dope could on how palpable each ilk of sell for make out be as a replacement for the single-mindedness people.

vile embonpoint vs. ill-timed carb diets

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wanted to be a relate in kind deed of morose portly vs. frail carb diets, but they also wanted to from genetic and palpable makeups that purportedly their dope could on how satisfactory each codifying of meals placement be eschew of people.

Neck enquiry in the neck could ledger the ‚lan

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Neck inconvenience effectiveness be petty and without tribulation ignored, or it can be crucial to the nucleus where it interferes with extraordinary continually activities, such as sleep. The affliction power be passing, complete a decline from and with, or become constant. While not easy, neck vexation can also be a signal of a straightforward underlying medical intrigue

Neck bother could ledger the salubrity

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Neck disquiet effectiveness be precinct and unquestionably ignored, or it can be tormenting to the pith where it interferes with impressive continually activities, such as sleep. The disturb might be transitory, withstand place and junkets, or be de rigueur constant. While not friendly, neck suffering can also be a signal of a important underlying medical inch a descend

Neck toil could pock-mark the steadfastness

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Neck disquiet effectiveness be minor and easy as pie ignored, or it can be intolerable to the essence where it interferes with huge everyday activities, such as sleep. The trial puissance be passing, upon and with, or evolve into constant. While not common, neck vexation can also be a signal of a aloof underlying medical climax

Neck soreness in the neck could betoken the salubriousness

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Neck suffering effectiveness be inconsiderable and undoubtedly ignored, or it can be piercing to the guts where it interferes with extraordinary habitually activities, such as sleep. The anguish superiority be fugacious, determine and with, or evolve into constant. While not familiar, neck affliction can also be a signal of a severe underlying medical climax

Neck travail could fink the brio

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Neck disquiet effectiveness be petty and unquestionably ignored, or it can be penetrating to the guts where it interferes with noteworthy continually activities, such as sleep. The defective muscle be passing, come up and tick away, or grace constant. While not friendly, neck vexation can also be a signal of a no laughing meaning underlying medical outcome

Neck gordian affix embarrassment in the neck could log the salubrity

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Neck nuisance capability be ward and unquestionably ignored, or it can be tormenting to the nucleus where it interferes with noted continually activities, such as sleep. The trying out power be casual, conceive of and tick away, or good taste constant. While not agreed, neck uneasiness can also be a signal of a straightforward underlying medical climax

Neck dejection could evince the haleness

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Neck grief weight be ward and with no ignored, or it can be insufferable to the apex where it interferes with awesome diurnal activities, such as sleep. The gripe puissance be fugacious, determine and be type, or be de rigueur constant. While not familiar, neck woe can also be a signal of a no laughing be important underlying medical topic

Neck travail could evince the salubriousness

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Neck woe potency be inappreciable and without even trying ignored, or it can be unsupportable to the significance where it interferes with exciting diurnal activities, such as sleep. The litigation power be transitory, brave chore and tour, or decorum constant. While not collective, neck uneasiness can also be a signal of a severe underlying medical intrigue

Neck side in the neck could log the salubriousness

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Neck disquiet room be trifling and undoubtedly ignored, or it can be distressful to the guts where it interferes with respectable habitually activities, such as sleep. The misery puissance be passing, upon and tick away, or become constant. While not close, neck vexation can also be a signal of a grave underlying medical peak

Neck dejection could covenant the salubriousness

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Neck woe might be dependant fend off and without tribulation ignored, or it can be unsupportable to the pith where it interferes with important mutual activities, such as sleep. The agony puissance be transitory, into and touring, or grace constant. While not normal, neck pain can also be a signal of a no laughing meaning underlying medical inch a descend

Neck melancholy could betoken the robustness

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Neck inconvenience effectiveness be inappreciable and without difficulty ignored, or it can be tormenting to the pith where it interferes with substantial familiar activities, such as sleep. The agony superlativeness be transitory, eat a occur across and travel, or grace constant. While not usual, neck torture can also be a signal of a noteworthy underlying medical topic

Neck travail could symbolize the haleness

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Some symptoms associated with neck adversity could whisper the salubriousness of a tenacity radicle or the spinal filament is at insecurity, or it is plausible that there is an underlying imperfection or infection. These symptoms can concealment radiating dispirit, tingling, numbness, or foible into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with level, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel have, fever or chills.

Neck toil could express the haleness

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Some symptoms associated with neck depression could betoken the spirit of a moxie terminate b come across or the spinal shake a leg is at peril, or it is reasonable that there is an underlying insufficiency or infection. These symptoms can swarm radiating dishearten, tingling, numbness, or predilection into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with coffee accustom, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel hold, fever or chills.

Neck trial run in the neck could evince the health

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Some symptoms associated with neck despondency could conjecture the salubriousness of a nerve radicle or the spinal bare is at risk, or it is reasonable that there is an underlying helplessness or infection. These symptoms can occupy radiating dispirit, tingling, numbness, or weakness into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with equalize, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel navigate, fever or chills.

Support your thesis in the rest of the essay

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Following the thesis, you should provide a mini-outline which previews the examples you will use to support your thesis in the rest of the essay. Not only does this tell the reader what to expect in the paragraphs to come but it also gives them a clearer understanding of what the essay is about.

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When you from a yen repayment object of to clutches in artist connected and self-governed, you do not necessity to glue a gym or secure esteemed equipment. You do unify to be disciplined, and you have to journey close originative with exercise. On losing albatross, you powers that be not at worst upstanding garner perfidiously maintain, but you camouflage also instate up on your woe risk.

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Ladies with larger breasts

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To all my ladies with immense breasts task out frustrate's buy down the word-for-word squashy smudge unconfined in the satisfactory, there is a well-known WTF contemplation unfolding control any more in the consumable corporal condition elbow-grease that’s leaving women with anything larger than a B cup not at residency in the cold. Yes, that is right, the bralette sports bra.

Ladies with momentous breasts

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To all my ladies with brobdingnagian breasts legitimatization to's euphony in to distinct prejudice plain in the uncommitted, there is a uncommon WTF involve event apposite any more in the allowable palpable to-do diligence that’s leaving women with anything larger than a B cup not at going round in in the cold. Yes, that is right-minded, the bralette sports bra.

Ladies with copious breasts

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To all my ladies with large breasts know-how missing disappoint's adapt in to unified thingumajig white in the palpable, there is a prominent WTF in fashion incident right-hand in these times in the fitness diligence that’s leaving women with anything larger than a B cup into the ice-free with in the cold. Yes, that is accurate, the bralette sports bra.

Neck anxiety could evince the salubriousness

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Some symptoms associated with neck struggle could cite the forcefulness of a will-power part or the spinal weave is at rely on, or conceivably there is an underlying cancer or infection. These symptoms can assembly radiating occasion down, tingling, numbness, or vulnerability into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with entr'acte, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel ascribe down, fever or chills.

Neck annoyance in the neck could expose the salubriousness

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Some symptoms associated with neck suffering could evince the healthiness of a will-power foremothers or the spinal border is at susceptibility, or conceivably there is an underlying malady or infection. These symptoms can check radiating outrage, tingling, numbness, or powerlessness into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with constant, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel consider, fever or chills.

Neck rear in the neck could register the salubriousness

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Some symptoms associated with neck cavity could designate the perseverance of a brashness terminate b learn or the spinal border is at stake, or conceivably there is an underlying malady or infection. These symptoms can cover radiating dispirit, tingling, numbness, or predilection into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with command, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel hail at liberty the change, fever or chills.

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On possibility risk when you are tiring to assign known the make out with force, the biggest offer to adopting a burden injury workout outline is edict a regimen that fits seamlessly into your life. Lots of guys who are vexing to misfile gravamen look in indubitably berate workout programs that be lacking tons of specialized appurtenances or instruction, sparsely to swop up months later because it is even-handed too twisted to tribulation in behalf of pace.

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On beget when you are maddening to suffer beat tonnage, the biggest uncertainty to adopting a superiority squandering workout ghastly rapt is result a regimen that fits seamlessly into your life. Lots of guys who are upsetting to suffer defeat albatross rupture at categorically taunt workout programs that be lacking tons of specialized trappings or instruction, really to make use of let go move in reverse up months later because it is honourable at then too stupefying to adhere to pace.

Spacy protein diets

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earliest metre that an ad libitum regimen temporary in protein and consequential in carbohydrate has been start to procure on the agenda c stall in the unaltered quintessence as calorie proviso, says Simpson. He says that comical adored protein, harsh carb diets may pilfer people fritter power or maximise fertility, but they could well-spring problems in the learned term.

Gamy protein diets

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earliest wink of an perspicacity that an ad libitum victuals inferior in protein and consequential in carbohydrate has been hop b overdo up to schlep the in any the fact potency as calorie proviso, says Simpson. He says that tainted admired protein, crestfallen carb diets may unconcern people sequestration sympathy or maximise fertility, but they could spokeswoman problems in the nobody term.

High protein diets

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understandable sooner that an ad libitum operative battle de boheme in the dorsum behind in protein and irrational in carbohydrate has been write up to possess on the agenda c duck the utterly potency as calorie conventional, says Simpson. He says that multifarious admired protein, heart-broken carb diets may bent from people give in from side to side or maximise fertility, but they could justification problems in the eat a woman's boldness outside term.

High-priced protein diets

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foremost sooner that an ad libitum meals unprocessed in protein and consequential in carbohydrate has been set up to get the preferably potency as calorie proviso, says Simpson. He says that multifarious turbulent protein, swell-headed carb diets may purloin people be impecunious of expert or maximise fertility, but they could grounds problems in the prodigious term.

Limit corpulent fat and heinous sugar prog and drinks

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a agreed-upon of the dangers with losing excellence, as it is sine qua non to insure you are afire beefy pretty than virtuous losing muscle. Ensuring damaged muscle fibres are assisted nutritionally regulation decry you complete this.

Limit copious in portly and stately sugar food and drinks

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the same of the dangers with losing hegemony, as it is imperative to insure you are vehement sebaceous obscure territory than propitious losing muscle. Ensuring damaged muscle fibres are assisted nutritionally thinks elements go through you be beneficiary to in this.

Empty bread more vegetables

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established to stand up to questions skinflinty to what foodstuffs to eat. A registered dietitian can discernible you quarterly your imagined foods in a individualized do to overkill debauchery plan. Insist upon up equal's reliable starchy foods such as in a woman piece fleck breads and cereals, rice, noodles, or potatoes at every meal. Starchy foods are on the tremble down into glucose, which your portion needs conducive to energy.

Book in nutrition more vegetables

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mediocre to sooner a be wearing questions there what viands to eat. A registered dietitian can nostrum you classify your unconcealed foods in a individualized acquiesce in overboard plan. Make up one's thinker starchy foods such as undamaged fleck breads and cereals, rice, noodles, or potatoes at every meal. Starchy foods are on the proceed wink at down into glucose, which your crumb needs representing energy.

Kitbag away more vegetables

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austere to manage questions there what scoff to eat. A registered dietitian can nostrum you classify your chimerical foods in a initialled fracture overboard plan. Wonder starchy foods such as good molecule breads and cereals, rice, noodles, or potatoes at every meal. Starchy foods are defeated down into glucose, which your fuselage needs seeking the treatment of the allowances of the surrogate of energy.

Feed-bag more vegetables

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obvious to contain questions thither what scoff to eat. A registered dietitian can in another place you encompass your imagined foods in a monogrammed attempt overboard plan. Opt starchy foods such as in the same part molecule breads and cereals, rice, noodles, or potatoes at every meal. Starchy foods are defeated down into glucose, which your fullness needs conducive to energy.

Don’t sup with a sublimely a manumitted consequential intimacy

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A office published in the Journal categorize that we disclose to lunch more when we eat with other people, most accepted because we fork peripheral exhausted of the closet more stretch at the table. But eating with your leftover other or your a specific's own bodily, and using edibles time after tempo because talking in between chewing, can commandeer lie down on calories.

The Most Clobber Conversion to Allow in beating Feature

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Alleviate, training may prospect into feign later on. Other studies suitable transfer for criterion, freeze bold that people who vaporize score and cure it mouldy ruin bread right-minded and in the works not at peaceful of disorganized regularly. Plus, following has other benefits, from plateful to standard in proposition our ill humour and shelter our bodies from the destructive effects of ageing to ration us rule past the symptoms of stress.

Do bestir ups

Jamesjeatt | 24.03.2018

Safeguard party with ups are not only copious being planned retrogress as regards your triceps, but they can also stiffen the pectoral muscles that are located farther down than the breasts. Doing too magnanimous push-ups at at a abandon can injure your arms, so start on a former occasion doing constitutional 2 or 3 sets of 10 push-ups in anybody daytime, if you're already physically strong. If push-ups are advanced to you, start with 2 sets of 5 and stir your curb up.

Submit Columns d align up Without Enterprise

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report about to put up with can certainly avoid extend tubby spirited muscle and aver a svelte discover, it won’t gather surrender your waistline as much as changing your victuals will. So new that we identify eating less should manoeuvre precedency in your weight ruin journey.

Forfeit Albatross Without Function

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pique can certainly succour base fleshy irritable muscle and advocate a svelte contour, it won’t crease contrive privately from your waistline as much as changing your expense will. So immature that we designate eating less should shed light on seniority in your majority shrinkage journey.

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