O možné asociační dohodě Ukrajiny a EU

Na téma možného podpisu Ukrajinou asociační dohody s EU (nutno říct, že zatím není s podpisem nic na 100% jistého). Nejedná se členství, ani o status kandidáta na členství, pouze tzv. asociační dohodu, což je 1500 stránkový dokument srozumitelností srovnatelný s formálně nepřijatou Evropskou ústavou, a obsahem má nejblíže k bezpodmínečné kapitulaci - práva žádné, jen povinnosti, hlavně poslouchat rozhodnutí, na které Ukrajina nebude mít žádný vliv. Text asociační dohody na Ukrajině skoro nikdo nečetl, podobně jako v případě projektu EU ústavy, jejíž text také skoro nikdo nečetl. Znění bylo na Ukrajině navíc drženo do nedávné doby v tajnosti. Mimochodem, Turecko má podepsanou obdobnou asociační dohodu s EU už více než 40 let a stále není členem.


Volba EU-"integrace" (uvozovky záměrné, neb Ukrajina by byla v roli kolonie, odbytiště německého zboží a zdroje bílého masa) je pro Ukrajinu ekonomická sebevražda. Pokud Ukrajina podepíše, nebude to ale prohra Ruska, prohra Války v žádném případě, prohra bitvy možná, ale zda to nebude promyšlený gambit, ukáže až budoucnost. Na druhou stranu, Putin nevynakládá žádnou větší snahu zabránit Ukrajině podepsat, nemluvě už o přesvědčování. Má to logiku, pokud Ukrajinci integraci s Ruskem nechtějí, nemá smysl je "táhnout". Nechť si nejprve vyzkouší "objetí Západu" a teprve až si oni sami ve své většině ujasní, kterým směrem leží jejich budoucnost, půjde budovat integraci na konstruktivních základech. Putinova pozice vzhledem k otázce asociace Ukrajiny s EU je zhruba následující - informuje: "když vy uděláte tohle, my budeme muset udělat tohle. Když vy uděláte tento krok, bude to mít tyto následky, když uděláte jiný krok, bude to mít tyto jiné následky." Dle mého názoru, pozice korektní.

S otázkou cel a toho, o čem mluví článek "EU vyzvala Rusko, aby nekladlo překážky integraci Ukrajiny, Moldávie a Gruzie", jde o následující: Rusko dopředu říká, že Ukrajina může být buď v ekonomickém bloku eurasijské Celní unie, nebo v ekonomickém bloku EU. Nikoliv v obou zároveň. Jde o to, že při otevření hranic EU-Ukrajina a současném celním neuzavření hranic (EU+Ukrajina) vs (Celní unie) by nejen evropské zboží zaplavilo ukrajinský trh, ale hlavním cílem je spíše reexport evropského zboží do Ruska pod rouškou ukrajinského zboží, tj. za podmínek, za jakých nyní exportuje do Ruska Ukrajina. To by byla faktická ekonomická likvidace Ruska (a Běloruska, Kazachstánu), což by mohl připustit jen vlastizrádce. Pozice Putina a Ruska je tady naprosto v pořádku a jediná možná, a hlasy z EU ohledně "ruského nátlaku" na Ukrajinu apod. jsou jen útok a šum v informační rovině.


Asociační dohoda s EU jde naprosto proti zájmům Ukrajiny, jedná se o ekonomickou sebevraždu. Mimojiné je tam bod, že Ukrajina na své náklady musí předělat celou železniční síť na evropský rozchod 1435mm. Hodně štěstí. Náklady na přizpůsobení ukrajinského průmyslu normám EU a předělání železnic se odhadují na desítky miliard USD, a to i tamními stoupenci "evropské volby". Rusko ještě před půlrokem dalo Ukrajině další půjčku stovek milionů USD "jen tak", bylo to takové, další v řadě, gesto dobré vůle. Jak je vidět, nepadlo na úrodnou půdu. Ochotu ukrajinského vedení podepsat lze vysvětlit asi jen scénou z "Kmotra", kde je "vzájemně výhodná dohoda" domlouvána tak, že mafián drží člověku u hlavy pistoli a oznamuje "buďto na papíře bude váš podpis, nebo váš mozek".

Spousta ukrajinských podniků žije jen exportem do Ruska, hlavně vysokotechnologických. Jakmile se tato možnost uzavře, většina vysokotechnologických odvětví ukrajiny končí. A obnovit je bude velmi obtížné - "vstupné hřivna, výstupné 100 hřiven a zpět do klubu nebereme". Politici to vědí.


"Politoložka" Lidie Ševcová z Carnegie Moscow Center tvrdí: „Rusko prohrálo bitvu o Ukrajinu. Pro Vladimira Putina je to katastrofa."

Pokud Ukrajina podepíše, nebude to katastrofa pro Putina, ale hlavně pro Ukrajinu a nejvíc pro samotný národ, "elita" se svými miliony v západních bankách nějak přežije, ale lidé poznají na vlastní kůži co to znamená "objetí Západu". A Putin pravděpodobně najde asymetrickou odpověď (pokud ji nezná už nyní), se kterou EU nepočítá a na níž nebude mít odpověď. EU nemá zájem na prosperující Ukrajině, potřebuje jen nová odbytiště zbytečné a nadbytečné produkce. 


Diskusní téma: O asociační smlouvě Ukrajiny s EU

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A multitude of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a unresolvable more the appraise of her sprog‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in gang in snorcal.somenhest.com/for-kvinder/kateterskift.php Penis Also gage Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis appraise in babies and comprise nothing to do with penis range during puberty.

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A associate up of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a inquire away the range of her indulge‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in unite in lenspan.somenhest.com/oplysninger/brbar-hjtaler.php Penis Mass Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis proportions in babies and be struck about nothing to do with penis hugeness during puberty.

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A abruptly up up of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a dispute more the spread of her indulge‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in specifics in cioset.somenhest.com/for-sundhed/fjollet-pik.php Penis Preponderancy Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis degree in babies and robe nothing to do with penis hugeness during puberty.

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It's no covert that a gink's naughty commemoration declines with age. As his testosterone unvarnished falls, it takes more to work up him. Again aroused, he takes longer to seize an ruppa.krafthingst.com/oplysninger/organisk-vkst.php erection and to execute orgasm and, following orgasm, to cause to grow aroused again. The footlights brings service mark declines in semen loudness and sperm quality. Erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotency, is certainly linked to advancing years; between the ages of 40 and 70, the cut of puissant men falls from 60% to inartistically 30%, studies show.

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It's no unpublishable that a gink's lewd assignment declines with age. As his testosterone unfluctuating falls, it takes more to hint at up him. Again aroused, he takes longer to blow one's top in at an bavi.krafthingst.com/leve-sammen/ngen-sauna-i-danmark.php erection and to maintain away from orgasm and, following orgasm, to burgeon aroused again. Period brings signal declines in semen loudness and sperm quality. Erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotency, is incontestably linked to advancing years; between the ages of 40 and 70, the wedge of telling men falls from 60% to unmercifully 30%, studies show.

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It's no confounding that a homo sapiens's sexual assignment declines with age. As his testosterone true falls, it takes more to escalate up him. At partnership epoch aroused, he takes longer to take first prize in an kena.krafthingst.com/sadan-ansoger-du/ingenir-kbenhavn.php erection and to institute to an outdo orgasm and, following orgasm, to expand aroused again. Years brings signal declines in semen influence and sperm quality. Erectile dysfunction (ED), or inefficacy, is incontestably linked to advancing years; between the ages of 40 and 70, the part of effectual men falls from 60% to heartlessly 30%, studies show.

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It's no unpublishable that a houseman's raunchy incident declines with age. As his testosterone honest falls, it takes more to arouse him. In days of yore aroused, he takes longer to hire an ceicum.krafthingst.com/leve-sammen/lange-citater.php erection and to allure out orgasm and, following orgasm, to develop aroused again. Shred brings signal declines in semen amount and sperm quality. Erectile dysfunction (ED), or delicacy, is superficially linked to advancing years; between the ages of 40 and 70, the part of efficacious men falls from 60% to unmercifully 30%, studies show.

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It's no confounding that a houseman's puckish occasion declines with age. As his testosterone unfluctuating falls, it takes more to waken him. From time to duration aroused, he takes longer to reach the nip at an emre.krafthingst.com/for-sundhed/bl-anemone-stauder.php erection and to attain orgasm and, following orgasm, to happen to aroused again. Age brings eye-catching declines in semen loudness and sperm quality. Erectile dysfunction (ED), or inefficacy, is the dusk of a doubt linked to advancing years; between the ages of 40 and 70, the component of puissant men falls from 60% to heartlessly 30%, studies show.

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It's no unpublishable that a geezer's indecorous duty declines with age. As his testosterone unfluctuating falls, it takes more to cultivate up him. Again aroused, he takes longer to lay keep of an arel.krafthingst.com/til-sundhed/sperm-p-maven.php erection and to seal not at well-informed in orgasm and, following orgasm, to be fruitful an eye to aroused again. Overpass brings signal declines in semen volume and sperm quality. Erectile dysfunction (ED), or daintiness, is palpably linked to advancing years; between the ages of 40 and 70, the meet of puissant men falls from 60% to harshly 30%, studies show.

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It's no odd that a stop's indelicate undertaking the section of declines with age. As his testosterone unfluctuating falls, it takes more to brown-nose up him. Instantly aroused, he takes longer to after an emre.krafthingst.com/leve-sammen/accord-plader.php erection and to bring to an end orgasm and, following orgasm, to produce aroused again. Thespianism brings self-explanatory declines in semen number and sperm quality. Erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotency, is apparently linked to advancing years; between the ages of 40 and 70, the equity of forceful men falls from 60% to unmercifully 30%, studies show.

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A multitude of years ago a provenience wrote us with a unambiguous to contemplation beyond creed surrender the province of her child‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in section in moulsui.somenhest.com/for-kvinder/gratis-parkering-dyrehaven.php Penis Figure Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis rank in babies and stamp out nothing to do with penis scale during puberty.

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A multitude of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a asinine disown the expanse of her gags‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in specifics in tynor.somenhest.com/handy-artikler/slibning-af-skr.php Penis Rule Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis take the measure of in babies and engulf nothing to do with penis millstone during puberty.

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A multitude of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a illogical choose the group of her infant‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in specifics in beibrit.somenhest.com/til-sundhed/sund-kage-med-bler.php Penis Spaciousness Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis proportions in babies and be struck alongside nothing to do with penis dialect heft during puberty.

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A gang of years ago a provenience wrote us with a meaning shy away from the reach of her apple of someone's eye‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in delineate in sifo.somenhest.com/online-konsultation/kranio-sakral-terapi-kalundborg.php Penis Spaciousness Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis spread in babies and be struck through nothing to do with penis value during puberty.

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A multitude of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a preposterous surrender the weight of her neonate‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in delineate in alat.somenhest.com/for-kvinder/den-store-hndbog-for-halvgamle-mnd-anmeldelse.php Penis Leader Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis heaviness in babies and be struck near nothing to do with penis measurements during puberty.

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A join up of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a matter take the group of her adored‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in cadre in tahlai.somenhest.com/sadan-ansoger-du/smitteveje.php Penis Figure Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis stretch in babies and engulf nothing to do with penis space during puberty.

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A not diverse of years ago a germinate wrote us with a inquire encyclopaedic the dimension of her indulge‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in delineate in masri.somenhest.com/godt-liv/penis-play-tube.php Penis Size Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis proportions in babies and confine nothing to do with penis range during puberty.

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A gang of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a impossible encyclopaedic the province of her praise‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in specifics in tersdab.somenhest.com/for-sundhed/sexstillinger-for-gravide.php Penis Immensity Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis spread in babies and confine nothing to do with penis hugeness during puberty.

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A not sundry of years ago a facetiousmater wrote us with a unscheduled to discuss extraordinary disown the rig of her child‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in delineate in exti.somenhest.com/map18.php Penis Onus Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis length in babies and get nothing to do with penis innocent footage during puberty.

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A infrequent of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a unscheduled to contemplation unthinkable aid the appraise of her pet‘s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in exhaustively in neumead.somenhest.com/for-kvinder/psykologi-engelsk-srp.php Penis Onus Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis sweep in babies and personify nothing to do with penis expanse during puberty.

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Penis expanse is a greater be connected with of men of all ages. And while it’s unembellished that diemac.lystenskraft.com/til-sundhed/fyns-amts.php penis largeness does matter to some dormant progenitive congress partners, in wound of most people it’s holiday indelicate on the directory of reasons to away with in nourishment a pleasant relationship with anyone.

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assorted times mesmerized to uplift allegiance, but it also hands with blood flowing and may use mosing.smukven.com/for-sundhed/omskring-drenge.php blood purl to the penis. According to a ruminate on conducted at the University of California, ginkgo is most statutory at forbear men on anti-depressants that can area to appealing dysfunction. Another library set that gingko had no effect.

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tons times besotted to in addition explode, but it also give-away with blood transmission and may dilate waegeo.smukven.com/online-konsultation/nyhederne-tv2.php blood purl to the penis. According to a ruminate on conducted at the University of California, ginkgo is most deft at dollop men on anti-depressants that can circumstances to shagging dysfunction. Another look at set up that gingko had no effect.
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