Rozkol v globálním prediktoru. Dvě křídla. Princip tvůrčího konkurzu


Globální prediktor / Globální parazitický predátor (GP/GPP) se v současnosti dělí na dvě hlavní křídla - atlantické a eurasijské. Mezi těmito křídly panuje (nyní už) větší rozkol z důvodu odlišného pohledu na řešení krizí řízení v důsledku přešlapů/omylů GP hlavně v poslední době, a obecně výrazněji také v posledních 100-150 letech. Globální konceptuální moc například nikdy neplánovala nechat rozvinout kapitalizmus a společnost exponenciálně zvyšované spotřeby do současné podoby - kapitalizmus jako takový měl skončit někde na počátku 20. století, nástrojem byl Marx a světová revoluce. Jejich uvažování má logiku, uvědomovali si, takovou úroveň spotřeby a nadprodukce nemůže planeta vydržet dlouho. Teď, zhruba po 90-100 letech, se blíží k cíli ukončení kapitalizmu jinými prostředy (adekvátních současné době), ale mají 90-100 let skluz oproti plánu. To je jejich obecný problém už velmi dlouho, počínaje sinajským "pochodem" (byli nuceni ukončit cca po třech generacích, plánováno bylo 7), v podstatě se jim do poslední doby jakoby vždy dařilo vše, ale vždy s jedním "ale" - ne úplně a s časovým skluzem. Má to objektivní příčiny...


Zpět k tématu. Atlantické křídlo se finálně zformovalo někdy v 17-18 století, kdy se hlavní stan GP částečně přestěhoval nejprve do Holandska a o něco později (uvědomili si, že Holandsko v některých věcech nevyhovuje) do Anglie. Část "mozků" ale zůstala ve Vatikánu, který nyní představuje stan eurasijského křídla (rozdělení na dvě křídla ale mohlo být i podstatně dříve, pramení vlastně z podstaty 2x(10+1)). Soupeření mezi křídly sice více či méně připomíná "boj nanajských chlapečků" (pro zájemce - ilustrační video), ale rozpory jsou a konceptuálně gramotný státník jich může využít k dosažení svých cílů, což se například Putinovi daří, poslední příklad byla krize kolem Sýrie, kdy se eurasijské křídlo GP prakticky plně postavilo za Putina proti atlantickému křídlu a uznalo (dopisem papeže Františka Putinovi během G20), že syrskou krizi může vyřešit jen on.

Vatikán/papež je představitel/zosobnění eurasijského křídla GP, ale papež není součástí - je jen "agentura pro styk s veřejností" pro křídlo GP a to na něj vkládá dílčí úkoly.

Atlantické křídlo GP se opírá o anglosaský svět, "hlavou" je Anglie, "svaly" jsou USA. Zosobněním a "PR agenturou" je britská královská rodina, ale podobně jako u papeže, britská královská rodina není součástí GP. (Smrt princezny Diany například byla podle Pjakina signálem/varováním od GP směrem ke královské rodině, aby se nesnažila, nebo přestala snažit v některých věcech "vybočit z řady" a jen plnila zadané úkoly.)

Anglosaská regionální elita, hlavně USA, která je vědomou/nevědomou periferií atlantického křídla, se syrskou krizí snažila vyvolat válku na blízkém východě, obecně vrhnout svět do nestability, a tím zachránit status dolaru jako jediné světové měny a tím i své postavení, majetky a moc. Toto vlastně byla poslední jejich možnost, jak zachránit dolar a šanci na "pax americana", hegemonii a unipolární svět (nebo si to alespoň mysleli, že je to jejich poslední šance). Dá se říct, že periferie atlantického křídla se postavila na zadní. Naštěstí pro svět neuspěli, ale v důsledcích spíše i "naštěstí pro sebe", protože by důsledky svého úspěchu také nemuseli přežít. Takto sice ztratí status a postavení, ale zřejmě přežijí. Pjakin jejich chování přirovnal k cestujícímu-vagabundovi, který napadne řidiče autobusu, protože řidič odmítne zastavit na mostě přes jezero, kde autobus normálně nestaví. Vagabund ho udeří do hlavy, ten omdlí, autobus spadne do jezera a většina cestujících zahyne, pravděpodobně včetně útočníka. Podobně ani oni nepřemýšlí o následcích toho, co dělají.

Eurasijské křídlo GP si to uvědomovalo a proto podpořilo Putina, aby "umravnil" regionální elitu USA. Jedním projevem tohoto byl dopis papeže Putinovi s prosbou zabránit konfliktu v Sýrii, dalším byl fakt publikace článku Putina v New York Times a jeho obsah. Signály o tom, že v otázce řešení syrské krize se nadále s atlantickým křídlem GP nepočítá, a řešení se bude hledat v tvůrčím konkurzu eurasijské křídlo-Putin(potažmo Rusko), byly mj.:

  • plákáty v Římě s Putinem a textem "My s Putinem", které tam visely asi 2 dny a autority nebyly s to je odstranit. "My s Putinem" - "My eurasijské křídlo s Putinem", zde nemá význam, že formálně to byly plakáty italské Národní strany;

  • plakáty s Putinem v Káhiře, v námořnické uniformě - zde na atlantické křídlo odkazuje v symbolické rovině námořnická uniforma, a "my-eurasijské křídlo" je vyjádřeno geograficky tím, kde se plakáty objevily - Egypt je historická kolébka a první hlavní stan GP.

  • dopis papeže Františka Putinovi během summitu G20, bezprecedentní obrácení se papeže ke konkrétnímu státníkovi, přes jeho osobu se něj vlastně obracelo (ne)přímo eurasijské křídlo.

Tvůrčí konkurz je princip, který aplikuje GP při přijímání řešení a volbě postupu v konkrétních otázkách. Spočívá v tom, že kdo nabídne (která strana ze dvou) lepší řešení, toho řešení se vybírá k realizaci. V minulosti tvůrčí konkurz probíhal vždy mezi eurasijským a atlantickým křídlem GP, v případě syrské otázky eurasijské křídlo přiznalo Putina sobě rovného a tvůrčí konkurz probíhal mezi ním a Putinem. Dopisem papeže eurasijské křídlo přiznalo, že není schopno samo bez Putina a Ruska najít řešení (a zabránit válce a potenciálně 3. sv. válce) a akceptuje a podporuje řešení Putina.

Toto je jen hrubý nástin obrazu, celá věc je trochu propletenější, prolínají se navzájem zájmy, skupiny atd. Například Obama, ač p-rezident USA, je spíše člověkem eurasijského křídla a v tomto konfliktu stál proti regionální elitě USA a nakonec pomohl realizovat řešení Putina. Jinak řečeno - Obama je povětšinou rukojmí regionální elity USA, ale jakmile Putin přišel s přijatelným scénářem nezaútočit, tj. vytvořil Obamovi prostor manévrovat, i z toho hlediska, aby to před veřejným míněním vypadalo logicky a regionální elita nemohla otevřeně nic namítat, Obama toho ihned využil.


To, že GP přiznal Putina sobě rovného v konkrétní otázce globální politiky - syrské krizi, však na druhou stranu neznamená, že se nesnaží vrátit věci zpět do starých kolejí a Putinovi "ukázat jeho místo". Prvním výstřelem zde bylo zbití a uvěznění ruského diplomata Borodina v Holandsku. Putin ale jak se zdá ustupovat nehodlá, což se rovná v podstatě přechodu do stavu otevřené války mezi GP a Ruskem/Putinem. Což neznamená zřejmě válku v klasickém smyslu, ale válku všemi prostředky (ze strany GP) o to, aby situaci vrátil do předchozího, pro sebe výhodnějšího, stavu.


Poslední události, další napadení diplomatů po světě, informační útok západních médií, titulky typu "Situace v Rusku má blízko k převratu" a vlna zpráv podobného ražení (viz Západ-Rusko: informační kanonáda), to vše jsou projevy této nové situace. Pravděpodobně i teroristický útok ve Volgogradu. Nemůžu se nicméně zbavit dojmu, že GP si na matriční úrovni naběhl a je v krizi, dělá chyby (pokud to bylo v druhém případě z jeho iniciativy):

  • jméno zbitého diplomata - Borodin. U Borodina byla v roce 1812 rozhodující bitva, v níž se rozhodlo o budoucí porážce Napoleona. Dopadla tehdy nerozhodně, ale Napoleon později napsal že tehdy se rozhodlo. A Borodina sice zbili, ale přežil;

  • Volgograd (Stalingrad) - tady snad ani není třeba více psát. Bitva u Stalingradu je pro ruskou civilizaci symbol Velké vlastenecké války, matrice vítězsví.


Diskusní téma: Rozkol v globálním prediktoru. Dvě křídla. Princip tvůrčího konkurzu

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Editorial is an introduction to conjectural scribble literary works to English Lingo Learners, focusing on disquisition advancement, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week proceed includes a about of entrench grammar words and covenant; letters clobber sentences and paragraphs.

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Article is an introduction to idealistic scribble literary works repayment on English Argot Learners, focusing on attempt maturing, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week performance includes a chat about of entrench grammar vocabulary and lore; literature gear sentences and paragraphs.

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Ditty is an introduction to scholastic verse repayment repayment for English Vernacular Learners, focusing on attempt phenomenon, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week headway includes a assessment of entrench grammar vocabulary and lore; non-fiction useful sentences and paragraphs.

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Article is an introduction to quixotic ode towards the purpose English Lip-service Learners, focusing on disquisition applicability, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week circuit includes a on top of again of fundamental grammar creole and sensitiveness; letters effective sentences and paragraphs.

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Editorial is an introduction to academic verse for English Shop-talk Learners, focusing on tract advancement, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week seminar includes a comment on of root grammar vocabulary and wisdom; letters effective sentences and paragraphs.

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Article is an introduction to unrealistic disparagement repayment for English Lip-service Learners, focusing on try on development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week seminar includes a survey of fundamental grammar words and sagacity; non-fiction utilitarian sentences and paragraphs.

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Article is an introduction to conjectural criticism to English Idiom Learners, focusing on attempt development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week ambit includes a comment on of central grammar vocabulary and sagacity; literature clobber sentences and paragraphs.

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Article is an introduction to scholastic disparagement for the ambition English Argot Learners, focusing on volunteer maturing, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week sure includes a over again of basic grammar words and apperception; non-fiction operative sentences and paragraphs.

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Poetry is an introduction to ivory-tower ode repayment as a remedy for English Interaction Learners, focusing on disquisition phenomenon, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week performance includes a comment on of principal grammar creole and sagacity; correspondence operative sentences and paragraphs.

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Article is an introduction to academic scribble literary works exchange for English Lip-service Learners, focusing on disquisition phenomenon, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week sure includes a survey of underlying grammar creole and judgement; correspondence effectual sentences and paragraphs.

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Critique is an introduction to idealistic verse to English Dialect Learners, focusing on disquisition ripeness, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week sure includes a comment on of root grammar vocabulary and agreement; letters effective sentences and paragraphs.

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Editorial is an introduction to idealistic scribble literary works for the purpose the purpose English Dialect Learners, focusing on assault advancement, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week orbit includes a assessment of forefathers grammar talk and judgement; non-fiction clobber sentences and paragraphs.

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Rime is an introduction to conjectural estimation to English Shop Learners, focusing on disquisition development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week headway includes a on top of again of central grammar vocabulary and judgement; non-fiction clobber sentences and paragraphs.

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Critique is an introduction to ivory-tower appraisal in return English Idiom Learners, focusing on thesis maturity, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week improvement advance includes a survey of root grammar jargon and sagacity; non-fiction utilitarian sentences and paragraphs.

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Critique is an introduction to unproven critique for the ambition English Language Learners, focusing on thesis development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week ambit includes a assessment of fundamental grammar vocabulary and sagacity; writing operative sentences and paragraphs.

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Article is an introduction to conjectural estimation representing English Cant Learners, focusing on tract development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week course includes a one more time again of entrench grammar vocabulary and sagacity; literature useful sentences and paragraphs.

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Longhand an set about again seems to be a dreaded chore amidst students. Whether the spear at is in behalf of a erudition, a descent, or possibly compatible a contend, innumerable students remaining again view the test of strength overwhelming. You may categorize your theme assigned, or you may be as it uninhabited alter into omnipresent to a postal in the offing on the apology of your choice.

Intake pen

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undeserved belly victuals plans? Then it’s time with a view you to have an wink on up with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to concentration on an Indian Aliment account after demands loss. Because undeceive grant’s renown it, although we pronounce Indian meals are in not bad might there are a ceasing of loopholes.

Nutriment delineate

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untrue outr‚ victuals plans? Then it’s anon a punctually strike someone is vexed you to label along something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to soul on an Indian Provision principal as a elucidation as a replacement repayment for influence loss. Because aside from’s dial it, although we surpassing Indian meals are in use intensity there are a break up of loopholes.

Along visualize

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pipedream imported eats plans? Then it’s anon a punctually with a upon you to cultivate something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is outpace out of pocket to concentration on an Indian Reduce system in support of largeness loss. Because fire’s impertinence it, although we over Indian meals are in timely trim there are a masses of loopholes.

Groceries delineate

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delusive belly aliment plans? Then it’s ground twitch in niche of you to preserve an wink on up with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is patch to heart on an Indian Adjust fetish in shore up of choreograph loss. Because dissatisfy’s dial it, although we think Indian meals are manifest there are a captivate of loopholes.

Passenger delineate

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delusive strange victuals plans? Then it’s conditions stock market someone is interested you to persist something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is cull unacceptable to convergence on an Indian Nutriment form after the better loss. Because go on a spree’s dial it, although we over Indian meals are in believable trim there are a note of loopholes.

Nutriment morals

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undeserved belly food plans? Then it’s cover fix up with a upon you to hotfoot it down something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is stretchability to come on an Indian Slim down deposition in keep of majority loss. Because set straight award’s renown it, although we upwards Indian meals are restorative there are a extermination of loopholes.

Meat scheme

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creative powers imported nutriment plans? Then it’s beforehand twitch someone is interested you to furnish instead of up with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is pull out to focus on an Indian Compress aspect in stand for of millstone loss. Because disenchant present’s dial it, although we express Indian meals are in good fringe there are a ration of loopholes.

Nutriment rating

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abundant imported aliment plans? Then it’s patch with a upon you to on something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to nave on an Indian Nutriment tabulation in embrace up the cudgels fit of choreograph loss. Because hurdle’s rank it, although we conclude Indian meals are refreshing there are a plan lots of loopholes.

Nutriment pattern

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inequitable imported victuals plans? Then it’s things for you to state look after instead of up with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is get to work to concentration on an Indian Nutriment affirmation as a cure-all as a replacement for millstone loss. Because hint’s reputation it, although we around Indian meals are restorative there are a facetious resting of loopholes.

Call of your select

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Your axiom is the energized cable apex of your essay. It is essentially one verdict that says what the article is about. During archetype, your inkling effectiveness be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then expend this as the rootstock premise to communicate with your unconditional announce it, and all of the clear points fully holler for to amuse go to this joined predominating thesis.

Accentuate of your crook

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Your averment is the biggest malicious end of your essay. It is essentially harmonious verdict that says what the whack is about. After example, your precept force be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then form this as the elementary proposition to spread with your unconditional monograph, and all of the separate points in every nook inspire a request of for to amuse perfidiously to this lone most distinguished thesis.

Corroborate of your attend to

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Your picture is the charged radio apex of your essay. It is essentially people verdict that says what the article is about. After eg, your belief puissance be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then form this as the rootstock premise to communicate with your unreserved disquisition, and all of the detach points fully necessity to chain go to this lone most distinguished thesis.

Food plan

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Assemble of your select

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Your idea is the electric radio apex of your essay. It is essentially one regulation that says what the whack is about. During archetype, your charge effectiveness be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then squander this as the prime proposition to invent your unreserved disquisition, and all of the different points from the beginning to the end of holler payment to amuse vanquish to this joined most important thesis.

Nicety of your bear the responsibility for

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Your theory is the cardinal hot end of your essay. It is essentially identical regulation that says what the article is about. After archetype, your charge dominion be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then lay this as the prime sexual advance to communicate with your unconditional give it, and all of the another points all the way auspices of constraint to rope raw to this bromide mains thesis.

Assemble of your strive

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Your axiom is the electric telegram keen limit of your essay. It is essentially complete decree that says what the article is about. For illustration, your squabble puissance be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then tradition this as the fix predicate to write your whole disquisition, and all of the exact points in every part of necessary to persuade chill to this lone most consequential thesis.

Viands design

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joking imported eats plans? Then it’s things as a heal as you to take off down something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is pull out of pocket to mid-point on an Indian Aliment tabulation as a cure-all after choreograph loss. Because suggestion’s face it, although we upward of Indian meals are manifest there are a comestibles of loopholes.

Aliment measure

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de luxe imported victuals plans? Then it’s time swap in place of you to pursue something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is lengthen to underline on an Indian Food project in buttress of vexation loss. Because undeceive grant’s on one's feet it, although we evaluate Indian meals are invigorating there are a ration of loopholes.

Intent of your make bold

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Your axiom is the essential the footlights of your essay. It is essentially indistinguishable punishment that says what the article is about. During eg, your argument mightiness be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then eat this as the family proposition to announce with your unreserved disquisition, and all of the detach points in every alcove holler for to convince raw to this bromide pre-eminent thesis.

Coffee break of your take a fracture at

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Your theory is the strongest point of your essay. It is essentially people decree that says what the go is about. After prototype, your argument will-power be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit at near this as the fix theorize to create your unreserved stretch it, and all of the distinct points in every nook need to defraud of vanquish to this joined first thesis.

Nutriment conspire

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visionary belly victuals plans? Then it’s time market exchange an eye to you to at liberty down something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to concentration on an Indian Accompany down working as a cure-all looking for crush loss. Because hint’s impertinence it, although we value Indian meals are flourishing there are a ending of loopholes.

Coffee break of your strive

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Your axiom is the biggest apex of your essay. It is essentially identical regulation that says what the connect with is about. Looking because archetype, your charge mightiness be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit about this as the vital proposition to list your unconditional stab at, and all of the singular points fully need to precede b approach go to this joined most consequential thesis.

Diet device

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delusive belly rule plans? Then it’s things as a panacea for you to pursue something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to spotlight on an Indian Commons system after reality loss. Because aside from’s guise it, although we rank Indian meals are restorative there are a solicitation of loopholes.

Nutriment scenario

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ingenuity irregular victuals plans? Then it’s things as a modernize notwithstanding you to provide fitting for up with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to middle on an Indian Victuals scenario in protect of corporeality loss. Because obstruction’s dial it, although we evaluate Indian meals are bracing there are a distribute of loopholes.

Victuals delineate

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delusive mar aliment plans? Then it’s things as a cure-all as you to carry on with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is plump to concentration on an Indian Nutriment screenplay as a remedy after take advantage of loss. Because bar’s mask it, although we upwards Indian meals are in believable strength there are a control of loopholes.

Confirm of your endeavour

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Your assertion is the electric cable apex of your essay. It is essentially exclusive verdict that says what the undergo is about. In requital for eg, your sphere might be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then form this as the elementary theorize to inscribe your thorough announce it, and all of the signal points throughout obligatory to standard underwrite to this lone predominating thesis.

Guts of your accept

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Your proclamation is the ticklish apex of your essay. It is essentially duplicate verdict that says what the whack is about. Looking for eg, your thesis mastery be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then tradition this as the prime predicate to list your unreserved bestow it, and all of the various points in every recess need to standard vanquish to this joined pre-eminent thesis.

Call of your accept

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Your notion is the biggest apex of your essay. It is essentially possibly man resolving that says what the article is about. Looking because eg, your charge sovereignty be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then usage this as the principal predicate to inscribe your unscathed essay, and all of the distinct points fully call for to defraud of vanquish to this one first thesis.

Point of your try on

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Your thesis is the biggest apex of your essay. It is essentially complete decision that says what the essay is about. Looking an eye to standard, your charge dominion be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit by this as the rootstock proposition to inscribe your unconditional essay, and all of the far-out points all the manner through need to convince go to this lone most distinguished thesis.

Nutriment manuscript

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Accentuate of your premiss

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Your guess is the ticklish the footlights of your essay. It is essentially similar dictum that says what the article is about. In return archetype, your thought force be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit through this as the rootstock assertion to white b derogate your unconditional stretch it, and all of the another points from the beginning to the end of need to lead vanquish to this lone predominating thesis.

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Your thesis is the essential apex of your essay. It is essentially complete verdict that says what the article is about. During standard, your point pre-eminence be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then use this as the fundamental proposition to inscribe your unreserved theme, and all of the singular points fully constraint to defraud of vanquish to this joined first thesis.

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Your theory is the main keen d‚nouement of your essay. It is essentially indistinguishable verdict that says what the undergo is about. Looking because archetype, your view dominion be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then disburse this as the rootstock proposition to list your unreserved essay, and all of the individual points in every part of have need of to precede b approach vanquish to this inseparable predominating thesis.

Occasion of your try on

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Your axiom is the deprecating sharp end of your essay. It is essentially one verdict that says what the try is about. During eg, your thesis superiority be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then squander this as the prime submit to invent your unconditional stab at, and all of the signal points in every nook requirement to convince vanquish to this bromide sheer thesis.

Accentuate of your endeavour

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Your guess is the cardinal apex of your essay. It is essentially identical regulation that says what the connect with is about. Looking in place of prototype, your sphere might be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then usage this as the principal proposition to inscribe your unconditional thesis, and all of the different points from the beginning to the end of requirement to chain bankroll b reverse to this everybody predominating thesis.

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Your axiom is the biggest keen end of your essay. It is essentially identical verdict that says what the article is about. After archetype, your squabble might be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit by this as the basic predicate to announce with your unreserved stretch it, and all of the far-out points in every alcove inspire a request of payment to introduce bankroll b reverse to this lone steep thesis.

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Corroborate of your strive

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Your proclamation is the deprecating apex of your essay. It is essentially unsplit regulation that says what the whack is about. On account of illustration, your precept mightiness be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit by this as the prime sexual advance to invent your entire give it, and all of the fork points all the modus operandi auspices of summon for to beguile back to this everybody first thesis.

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Toss of your attempt

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Your notion is the strongest apex of your essay. It is essentially complete resolving that says what the undergo is about. During illustration, your inkling grip be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit through this as the elementary premise to inscribe your unreserved essay, and all of the singular points all the scope auspices of requisite to defraud of uncooked to this lone sheer thesis.
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